I turned 35 today (October 2nd) and have learned a lot about health, wellness and longevity along the way.

Here are 35 longevity hacks that have helped me live a healthier, happier life.

Feeling better than ever as I age! Still on no medication and with no injectables of any kind (but if that is your thing, do your thing boo. No judgement at all :))

35 Aging Gracefully Hacks

  1. Prioritize whole foods: Focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Diets are not worth it unless you can on doing them temporarily.
  2. Limit processed foods: These often contain unhealthy additives and preservatives. This is one of the easiest ways to lose weight quickly.
  3. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Drink water before coffee. Replace sugary / energy drinks for water. Another quick hack that will make you feel better almost instantly.
  4. Mindful eating: Pay attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Put your phone away while eating.
  5. Cook at home: This gives you more control over the ingredients you use. I see too many women skip this step because they don’t like it, they don’t have time or they want things to be equal at home.
  6. Experiment with new foods: A varied diet can provide a wider range of nutrients. Learn to eat the rainbow for your gut.
  7. Listen to your body: If something doesn’t feel right, don’t eat it. There’s a reason why.
  8. Find an activity you enjoy: This will make it easier to stick to your exercise routine. Stop making excuses that you don’t have time to go to the gym. If you really don’t, then learn to love working out from home.
  9. Move your body daily: Even short bursts of activity can make a difference. Take the stairs. Park far away. Shy away from sitting for too long.
  10. Incorporate strength training: Build muscle to boost metabolism and improve bone health. Especially in your 30s to set you up for success in your 40s and beyond.
  11. Prioritize flexibility: Stretching helps prevent injuries and improve range of motion. Start to learn to love yoga. If you find it too “boring” then you need it the most!
  12. Balance physical and mental activity: Find activities that challenge both your body and mind. Cognitive health can decline as we age, but only if we let it.
  13. Create a relaxing bedtime routine: This can help signal to your body that it’s time to sleep. The more you stick to the routine the more your body will get used it.
  14. Circadian syncing: Biohack your internal clock by getting direct sunlight in the morning for 15 minutes and then go for a walk in the evening.
  15. Limit screen time before bed: The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with sleep and melatonin production. No TVs in the bedroom and keep your phone in another room while you sleep.
  16. Prioritize quality over quantity: Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I strongly believe that sleep goes before exercise, longevity wise.
  17. Take naps if needed: Short naps can help boost energy levels. Especially during the luteal phase for women. This is much better than drinking more caffeine. If you’re someone that can’t take naps especially when you are able to, reflect on why. There might be something underlying there that is preventing you from getting rest.
  18. Practice mindfulness: Pay attention to the present moment without judgment. Start a meditation practice ASAP!!
  19. Spend time in nature: Connecting with nature can reduce stress and improve mood. There is nothing a walk on the beach or a hike will not cure.
  20. Build strong relationships: Social connection is essential for overall well-being. As much as even the mom era can get in the way of not seeing or prioritizing friends, don’t let it. Your future self will thank you.
  21. Set realistic goals: Celebrate small victories along the way. I personally struggle with this one but definitely working on it. I want to shoot for the stars but need to be more grounded to set myself up for success.
  22. Learn to say no: Don’t overcommit yourself. This is a hard one if you are like me who wants to do it all and has FOMO, but SO worth it.
  23. Seek professional help when needed: There’s no shame in asking for support.
  24. Limit alcohol and eliminate tobacco: Excessive consumption of alcohol can harm your health and it gets worse as you get older. Tobacco shouldn’t even exist in my opinion.
  25. Manage stress: Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation (again I mentioned this one in #18). Honestly though, it doesn’t matter how many healthy habits you have, if you are not managing your stress, you will never be healthy.
  26. Prioritize self-care: Take time for activities that make you happy and relaxed. It is not selfish, it is selfless. The more you fill your needs, the more space you have for others. There is a fine line though, if your self-care is getting in the way of your other responsibilities, then you need to balance back.
  27. Stay curious and keep learning: A lifelong learner is a healthier person. You will never have all of the answers to literally anything.
  28. Give back to your community: Volunteering can be rewarding and fulfilling. Selfless people are smart and happy.
  29. There is such a thing as too much exercise: If you are doing multiple workouts a day, HIIT is your workout of choice, and are consistently stressed out, on edge, or your health isn’t where you want it to be, it is time to reassess.
  30. Regular check-ups: See your doctor for routine exams and screenings. Don’t skip this, you are never too busy to go to your preventative check-ups!!! Get blood work twice a year if possible. If not, then once a year will suffice. This will tell you so much about what you need or if what you are doing is working.
  31. Protect your skin: Wear sunscreen and avoid excessive sun exposure. Being tan is not cool anymore.
  32. Take care of your teeth and gums: Brush, floss, and see your dentist regularly. Teeth is really one of easiest ways to tell if someone takes care of themselves or not.
  33. Get regular check-ups for your eyes: Eye health is important at every age. Even if you don’t wear glasses or contacts. I worked in the eye care world for many years. There is so much more to it than we think or know.
  34. Clean out your environment: Pay attention to how many chemicals you are exposed to on a regular basis. What do you use for cleaning supplies? Shampoo? Makeup? Body wash? Cookware? This all adds up to the chemical load on your body that can lead to disease.
  35. Surround yourself with positive people: Your environment can greatly impact your well-being. Protect your peace.

Remember, longevity is about more than just living a long life. It’s about living a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life. By incorporating these longevity hacks into your daily routine, you can take steps towards aging gracefully, now.

Live Well Longer Membership

In the Live Well Longer Membership you will learn how to tackle most of the things on this list. Stop waiting, take a risk and come join us!!

It is completely self-paced to fit into your schedule for only $30 a month (yearly plan). With the option to have 1-1 coaching as well.

Because let’s get honest with ourselves, if we don’t have our health, we really won’t be able to enjoy anything else.

It is the best investment we will ever make that we will never regret.

How can you regret spending money on learning how to actually feel good for a very long time?

Longevity from a Woman’s Perspective EBook

If you love to read books – this is for you!!

It is a fun, quick read, to learn more about longevity hacks that will almost instantly start to make you feel better.

Until next time.



Living Well Co.

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