Health Coaching
for Longevity
For individuals who want to achieve their longevity and weight loss goals through sustainable lifestyle and nutrition changes. Discover the key to a happier, healthier, and more satisfying life!
Join now to create an internal & external shift*
Science backed health coaching no matter where you are in life. What we include in our membership:
Coaching & Mentorship
On demand and at the comfort of your own home, I am here to help you add quality years to your life!
Recipes, Meditations & Fitness
Confused on where to start? No worries, we'll provide you with everything.
With our Live Well Longer approach you will change your habits and your lifestyle long-term*
Finding Balance
Who says you can't have the balance of work, life, parenting (if applicable) and taking care of yourself?
the words Living Well Co
Live by & demonstrate
in our services
Develop long lasting daily habits that will help you stay consistent and disciplined.
Discover what, how and when to eat for your body with no diets or restrictions involved. Physical exercise that's right for you and much more.
Reframe your thoughts, old patterns and self-limiting beliefs to reach your highest potential. Change your mindset, change your life.
You can have energy, no stress, lose the weight you want lose, and just essentially feel good. You just need the right coach to get you there.
Imagine This..
You have unmatched productivity at work without bringing the stress home. Not having to miss any days or money due to a debilitating health condition.
You have high quality time with your family. You are present, you can play, attend activities with your kids without stress, guilt, or pain.
You prioritize yourself. You have your personal time, you move your body, you balance your diet with nourishing foods without restrictions. You start to feel so good that even people start to notice it.
Now stop picturing it and start living it! Most doctors just simply do not have time time to sit individually with each patient to talk about individual nutrition and lifestyle changes.
That is why health coaching is the best next step. It is the bridge between the doctor and the patient. It is a coach to guide you through your health goals. To set a plan while you are in the driver's seat of your life.
That is what Living Well Co. is here to do for you. With a simple approach, backed by science and with no restrictions allowed.
Hi I'm Alejandra
We take a science-backed health coaching approach for individuals who want to live well no matter the age. They want to lose weight and feel better than they ever have through sustainable lifestyle changes. No more restrictions, fad diets or temporary solutions.
Entrepreneur, certified integrative nutrition health coach, wife, and mom of 2 with over 10 years in the pharmaceutical and durable medical equipment industry. During those 10 years, I realized there is a huge need in preventative care. It is not talked about enough, yet the prevalence of chronic disease is increasing every year. While most of them are preventable by diet and lifestyle alone.
My mission is to empower individuals to achieve their longevity and weight loss goals through sustainable lifestyle changes, which will ultimately lead them to live well longer.