As I come to the end of my breastfeeding journey with my 19-month-old, I wanted to write about the benefits of breastfeeding.
I whole heartedly believe in fed is best. I have met many women who tried breastfeeding but it did not work out or it wasn’t for them for many reasons. Which is completely okay.
For me, it was a priority. I knew from the get-go that I wanted to breastfeed my babies. My first time around I only lasted for 10 months. I was a stay-at-home mom then and stuck in childhood trauma. I thought that by stopping breastfeeding, it would solve all of my emotional and mental problems. It didn’t. So I told myself that for my next baby, I would breastfeed for as long as possible.
My second baby, was just so natural and holistic all around. I did a home birth. I was prepared. I did all the research. Prepared all of the foods that would help in healing and lactation. Had every single device to help me get through engorgement and mastitis. I was incredibly lucky with latch and supply with both of my babies.
At first, I had a goal of 12 months. Breastfeeding, working, pumping, sleepless nights and having a 4-year-old was a lot. The constant burn out was very real. I also traveled twice out of the country in her first 12 months of life, devoting a lot of my energy into making sure I would come back with frozen milk and a healthy supply. Which was a lot of stress as well.
I had to keep telling myself “do not quit on your worst day” on a regular basis in order to not stop all together. The benefits really outweighed the cons for me.

Benefits of breastfeeding
- Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for most babies.
- It can help protect babies against short- and long-term illnesses.
- Breastfed babies have a lower risk of asthma, obesity, type 1 diabetes, and SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).
- Breast milk shares antibodies from mother to baby.
- Improved intelligence and cognitive outcomes.
- Improved infant gut health.
- Lessens risk of breast, uterine, cervical and ovarian cancer.
- Provides time to relax and bond with baby.
- It continues to provide immunities and vitamins for toddlers.
- The World Health Organization recommends babies be breastfed until 2 years of age.
The one thing I didn’t know and I don’t think most women know, is that once you hit the 12-month mark, breastfeeding is a breeze. There is absolutely no pressure. My daughter only wanted to breastfeed at night. So it went from an all day affair, setting alarms every 3 hours, to not even having to really think about it.
So why did I decide to stop now when I only have 5 more months until her second birthday?
For many reasons.
- I wanted my body back.
- I want my cystic acne to end.
- I want to get an explant this year.
- I am so extremely busy and needed in so many different capacities that I really need to feel good, internally, most of the time.
It wasn’t an easy decision, but ultimately I had to choose me over continuing to push through.
I will cherish these 19 months forever The bond that breastfeeding brings is like nothing else I have ever experienced. Also, the most challenging and rewarding at the same time.
I’ve felt guilty so many times about it but I know that I am listening to my intuition. Which I know by now that it will always lead me in the right direction.
Tell me, what has your experience with breastfeeding been like?
Are you ready to start living your life differently?
Tired of paying the price of all the stress and putting yourself and your health last?
There is a way out.
That other way out is through a health coach. Your own personal coach that will look at all areas of your life, to see how you can make changes.
Changes that will create long-lasting results.
These changes come from looking at nutrition, self-care, movement, and daily habits.
As your coach we will work on a step-by-step plan together on reaching all of your health goals and then leaving you empowered to continue making changes on your own.
If you are ready to start living well and say goodbye to the stress and burnout that has you surviving instead of thriving – contact me now.
Let’s Chat
Remember that podcast I mentioned I was on a couple of weeks ago?
Well you can listen to it now!
Meet The Elite Podcast – Alejandra Ruff.
Life Update
I am going to Maui, Hawaii with just my husband next week. Which is the perfect time to unplug and fully rest. I know my heart and soul needs this so I am going to pause my newsletter and blog next week. I will post again on Friday, June 16th.
I will be posting on social media so follow me on Instagram and Tiktok.
Has anyone been to Maui before? I never have. I am so excited because I have always wanted to go. If you have, give me any and all recommendations!
Anywhere I go, I try to visit a farm to learn more about nutrition, farming practices, cooking so I can better serve you.
So while we are there, we are visiting O’o farm (Kula). I can’t wait to bring you new tips and tricks.
I hope you all enjoy these first few weeks of summer with your little ones.
See you soon!
Alejandra at Living Well Co.
La Leche League
La Leche League
World Health Organization