The New and Improved Weight Loss Secret

The new and improved weight loss secret that no one knows about! It will blow your mind. You will undoubtedly forget about weight loss injections all together because of this! Just kidding, you already know about it 😉 It’s called fiber. Not new or improved. Just good ol fiber that you get from a whole […]

Practical Daily Movement for Guaranteed Longevity this Year

No time for the gym? Here’s how simple daily movements can add years to your life. Instead of stressing about how you didn’t make it to the gym or you are too tired to wake up at 4 a.m., do this instead: Practical Daily Movement for Guaranteed Longevity this Year To sum it up, always […]

The Best Way to Age Gracefully Now

The best way to age gracefully now. Aging gracefully as in longevity. How to have quality years throughout your life for as long as we are on this earth. Why I mention the quality years is because to me, longevity and aging gracefully, has to do with health span way more than life span. Life […]

How to Heal the Gut Holistically

How to heal the gut holistically to live a happier and healthier life. The gut and health is a very complex topic because there is so much to know about the microbiome. The purpose of this blog post is to simplify it. To give you attainable suggestions in order to improve the health of your […]

How I Lost 20 Lbs. Without a Diet

How I lost 20 lbs. without a diet and restrictions. This was me back in 2012 living in Chicago: 20 lbs. overweight and with alcohol always in hand. I did not cook at home. I always ate at restaurants, got takeout or ordered food in. I did not exercise. Every January I would get a […]