Back To Life Tips

7 back to life tips as we transition into fall. Sweet summer is coming to an end. Late nights and fun days are winding down. Vacations are being planned for the holidays. Kids are going back to school. Fall is such a symbolic season for change and transitions. Back to life. Temperatures start to drop […]

Chronic Fatigue. Is It Normal?

Chronic fatigue. Is it normal? We’ve been taught that it is. You hear so many people talk about how tired they are. Are you someone that needs a nap in the middle of the day? Or after work you just have to go straight to the bed and maybe even go down for the night? […]

Screens and Children

Why we need to be more mindful about screens and children. I recently posted about this topic on Instagram and I got incredible responses. I know this is something more people need to hear about. So I have a confession to make. I was so fortunate when my first baby was born to had been […]

Communicate Before You Rage

How to communicate before you rage. Especially as a parent that has to keep it together, so we don’t lose it on the people we love the most. To communicate before you rage means more harmony at home and with every relationship that you have. Everyone feels angry sometimes. It is part of being a […]

Sunscreen Guide For Families

Sunscreen guide for families to stay healthy this summer.I used to think all sunscreen was created equal. Now I know better. First, if you didn’t know, sunscreen is considered and over-the-counter drug. We need sunscreen in order to prevent the negative effects of being overly exposed to the sun’s rays (UVB and UVA), like malignant […]