Onions and Garlic For Nighttime Coughs

Back in October I posted on Instagram the best holistic remedy that has ever been given to me as a parent by my grandmother. The chopped onions and garlic under the bed for nighttime coughs. It’s been used for centuries and by many different cultures. Especially for your children, but works in adults too. It […]

School-Safe Banana Cacao Muffins

These school-safe banana cacao muffins are a serious hit. Your children will really be happy when you make these. Whenever my son has his special day at school, and has to bring a snack for the whole class, I always make these. If I have time of course. They are vegan, nut free, gluten-free, grain-free, […]

The Truth About Control

What is the truth about control. By definition control means: “The power to influence or direct peoples behavior or the course of events.” “Determine the behavior or supervise the running of.” “To exercise restraining or directing influence over.” “The ability or power to make someone or something do what you want or make something happen […]

Healthy Nut Butter Smoothie

This healthy nut butter smoothie is when I am craving something heavier and need more protein in my diet. Added bonus is that children love a healthy nut butter smoothie. Even more, when it is a peanut butter one. I always make sure to buy organic ingredients especially for berries and spinach. For the nut […]

My Experience With Acupuncture

Let’s talk about my personal experience with acupuncture. Along my healing journey, I have experimented with a lot of different healing modalities. Acupuncture has been one of them and will forever be a tool in my toolbox. I actually went to an appointment yesterday! What is acupuncture? Acupuncture has been treating many different health conditions […]