Let me share something personal: ten years ago, I was burning out, sleeping poorly, and feeling twice my age.
Today, I’m thriving, and I feel better than I ever have. No exaggeration.
The difference? Five simple but powerful daily habits that science proves can extend your health span.
Longevity Stack
1. The Morning Reset Ritual Every morning at 5:45 AM, before touching my phone, I practice what I call my “longevity stack”:
- 30 oz. of filtered water with mineral drops + a squeeze of half a lemon + 1 tbsp. organic raw apple cider vinegar
- 10 minutes of meditation with a red light mask on
- Prayer & gratitude
- 5 minutes of breathwork (Wim Hof method)
- 20-30 minutes of exercise
- Cold shower therapy (started with 30 seconds, now at 3 minutes)
- 15 minutes of circadian syncing – going outside in the AM and getting natural vitamin D.
The impact? My cortisol levels have dropped by 30%, and I have learned how to be a morning person and can juggle so much at once.
Listen up, I was once not a morning person. If I can become a morning person, I promise, you can too.
2. Strategic Eating Windows After experimenting with various fasting protocols, I’ve found my sweet spot:
- 14:10 intermittent fasting (Follicular & Ovulatory Phase)
- First meal at 8 AM
- Last bite by 6 PM
- Tea and mineral water during fasting hours
Once a Month
- 1 day full fast of water and tea/black coffee only. Working my way to one day, do a 3 day fast but it is still so hard especially being a mom, business owner, whose husband travels a lot.
- I do this for health and spiritual purposes too.
- Follicular phase only
Luteal Phase
- I will not fast but unintentionally will go 12 hours to break my fast because I don’t eat food after dinner and will generally eat breakfast with my family at around 7:30 A.M.
Result: My energy levels are consistently high throughout the day, I sleep great and maintain my ideal weight.
3. The Non-Negotiable Movement Practice Instead of grueling workouts, I focus on consistent, intelligent movement:
- Morning: 20- 30 minutes of a variety of exercise according to my cycle and to not plateau
- Bleeding Phase: Walks, stretches and rest
- Follicular: Peloton bike, or Peloton app workouts like yoga, strength training, barre and mat Pilates
- Midday: Walk my dog
- Evening: Walk my dog
This approach has improved strength, cardio, abs, and overall muscle mass.

4. Brain-First Nutrition My diet isn’t about restriction – it’s about nourishing my cells:
- Green smoothie with adaptogens
- High protein breakfast
- 7-9 cups of colorful vegetables daily
- Wild-caught fish 3x week (sardines I am looking at you)
- Handful of nuts and seeds
- Berries and dark chocolate for polyphenols
- I eat a balanced diet between plant-based and animal products (no carnivore diet over here)
- No dairy – aside from being lactose intolerant I do believe it increases inflammation in the body
- Extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, and ghee butter only
- Limit refined sugar and have added more natural sugars such as figs, honey, occasional organic maple syrup in recipes, and Medjool dates.
- Sauerkraut or yogurt daily
- Barely drink alcohol. I have drank only a handful of times in the past year. I leave it for very special occasions.
My inflammatory markers have plummeted, and my cognitive testing scores have improved by 23%.
5. The Evening Longevity Loop The most underrated but powerful habit is my evening routine:
- Blue light blocking glasses at sunset (if I can remember!)
- Magnesium drink
- Sleep by 9 PM in a 69-degree room
- Zero electronics in bedroom
- Stop scrolling by 8:15 pm the latest
I am FINALLY getting the Oura ring this year to track my sleep. I have waited a long time because I am already so fixated on my health, I didn’t feel the need to really fixate so much on anything else.
I am at a place were my habits are so ingrained that they are a part of me, so bringing this in feels organic.
The Surprising Results After 3 + years of consistency with these habits:
- Energy levels are consistently high
- Mental clarity has dramatically improved
- Recovery time from workouts has decreased by 50%
- I feel younger
- Have maintained my weight and increased my muscle mass
- Feel more capable overall to handle life and stress
- Can quickly bounce back from stressful situations
- Positive outlook in life
Why These Habits Work These aren’t just random practices – they’re based on longevity research from leading institutions. They work because they target the key pillars of aging:
- Cellular health
- Mitochondrial function
- Inflammation reduction
- Hormonal optimization
- Circadian rhythm alignment
How to Start Your Own Longevity Journey
You don’t have to implement everything at once. Start with one habit and build from there. Remember, longevity isn’t about drastic changes – it’s about consistent, sustainable practices that compound over time.
Ready to transform your health and extend your health span? Join my free webinar where I dive deeper into longevity hacks that are proven to add quality years to your life.
Remember, the best time to start investing in your longevity was yesterday. The second best time is today.
Live Well Longer Membership

In the Live Well Longer Membership you will learn how to tackle most of the things on this list. Stop waiting, take a risk and come join us!!
It is completely self-paced to fit into your schedule for only $30 a month (yearly plan). With the option to have 1-1 coaching as well.
Because let’s get honest with ourselves, if we don’t have our health, we really won’t be able to enjoy anything else.
It is the best investment we will ever make that we will never regret.
How can you regret spending money on learning how to actually feel good for a very long time?
Longevity from a Woman’s Perspective EBook

If you love to read books – this is for you!!
It is a fun, quick read, to learn more about longevity hacks that will almost instantly start to make you feel better.
Until next time.