Parenting and Sleep

Sleep and parenting? Do you even get any? Well, you don’t! Ha just kidding. Kind of. You do and you don’t. Everything in parenting is such a phase. I am almost 5 years in and that is my biggest takeaway. There are some phases where everyone sleeps through the night and they even sleep in […]

2-Day VIP Health Retreat

Why is a 2-day VIP Health Retreat perfect for you. The reason I designed a 2-day VIP Retreat is because in the last 4 years that I have been a mother, I have met ONE other woman who is a mother, who has gone a trip by herself to fill up her own cup. Going […]

My Experience with EMDR

My Experience with EMDR therapy which is also known as trauma therapy. Trigger warning. This post talks about abuse. You are probably wondering from the title of this post what EMDR is, why its relevant and what is in it for you. The reason this deserves an entire post is because it was the catalyst […]

How To Master Yourself

One of the pillars at Living Well Co that is probably my most favorite is self-mastery. How to master yourself. How to master your mind, your body, and your spirit in order to create the life you have always wanted. How to basically be the captain of your own ship, instead of being the victim […]

Why Diets Don’t Work

Why diets don’t work. Why I believe diets don’t work, to be specific. We live in a world of so much information now.  Everyone is a specialist in every category and everyday we get new information of what is good or bad for you.  Yet, what we don’t understand is that we live in a […]