How To Master Yourself

One of the pillars at Living Well Co that is probably my most favorite is self-mastery. How to master yourself. How to master your mind, your body, and your spirit in order to create the life you have always wanted. How to basically be the captain of your own ship, instead of being the victim […]

Taco Feel Good Tuesday

Taco feel good Tuesday is a fan favorite. When I make theme nights for dinner, everyone gets excited. That is because everyone loves consistency and routine, especially children. I have noticed that this helps with my picky eater at home too. He is like, TACO TUESDAY! YES! GIVE ME SOME! So here is a quick […]

All About Adaptogens

Let’s dig deeper to find out all about adaptogens. What are adaptogens. Why do they help you feel good? Adaptogens are plants and mushrooms that help your body respond to stress, anxiety, fatigue, and overall wellbeing. They have been used for thousands of years by humans, especially in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda (an alternative […]

Feel Good Smoothie

My feel good smoothie recipe. You all, I really truly do love smoothies. Especially in the morning. I get such an energy boost and I just feel so good. It feels like my body is saying thank you so much this was exactly what I needed! Since I am on a mission to help busy […]

Chicken Goddess Wrap Recipe

Chicken goddess wrap recipe. If you want to feel like the goddess that you are (let me say it one more time – you are a Goddess through and through, everyday, all day), this chicken goddess wrap is for you. It is easy, because you are busy. That is why figuring out recipes that are […]